Privacy and confidentiality are integral to the work that we do together and we are committed to protecting the personal information provided by individual and organisational clients.
We are fully compliant with the current General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidance and registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Set out below is further information about the data we collect, why we collect it and how we use it. You will also find information on what to do if you would like to request a copy of your information, make a complaint or delete your personal information.
How I obtain personal data:
We may obtain personal data in a number of ways including:
§ Information provided to us via email
§ Information discussed either in person, over the internet (e.g. Zoom or other platforms) or by telephone
§ Information provided to us by a referrer (e.g. a sponsor in your company or a friend or former client) in person, by email, by telephone or other message or correspondence.
What personal information we collect:
This will depend according to the nature of the interaction and relationship between you and us. It may include:
§ Your full name and title
§ Your home or business address (depending on whether you are an individual or corporate client), your email address(es) and telephone number(s)
§ Bank account details (for payments and refunds)
§ Psychometric data (if you share a psychometric profile with me)
§ Other documents which you consider useful for us to have
What we do with your personal information:
We use your personal information solely to provide you with the best possible care or service. As part of our initial conversation and subsequent sessions, we may keep accurate and detailed notes of our conversation whether written notes and/or held electronically. Written notes are either anonymized or stored securely in my office and electronic records are securely stored and password protected.
We will generally keep personal client information for a minimum of seven years from the date of primary contact. This is so that we have access to it if I need to use it again for future work with you. You can, at any time, request to have any of your information deleted or removed sooner.
Sharing Information:
We do not share any of the above information with any third party unless we have your express consent to do so. The only exceptions to this are if anything arises that leads us to be concerned about your safety or wellbeing, others’ safety or wellbeing, or potential serious illegality. In such unlikely events, we would have a professional duty to follow the law and to protect individuals and may therefore have to reveal such information to protect individuals. Unless instructed by law, we would discuss the issue with you and how we should manage the situation together.
Please note that we will never sell or lease your personal information to any third parties such as other companies or marketing agencies.
The right to be forgotten:
You have the right to have any of your personal information that we hold to be deleted or removed from our records at any time (called 'the right to be forgotten'). You can make such a request by emailing us at: and For us to do this, we may ask you some security questions to ensure that the request is being made by the person to whom the information pertains.
How to complain
If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at and You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data. The ICO’s address is: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Helpline number: 0303 123 1113. ICO website:
We really value your feedback both to help us to continue to learn and develop to provide better services and also to enable new clients to understand a little more about our work. We are always very grateful if we can use feedback as part of a recommendation or testimonial but will ask for your express consent before doing so. You always have the option to withdraw such consent later and in such a case, we will take the appropriate action including removing the feedback from my records and website.
Further Information:
If you would like further information, you can requested this at and This privacy notice was last updated on 21st July 2023.
Coaching Book of the Year 2023, Henley Centre for Coaching, Henley Business School